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What do you eat in a day?

My typical day's menu may include a wholesome breakfast comprising of nutrient-rich foods such as oatmeal or whole-grain cereal paired with fresh fruits or berries. These choices not only provide essential carbohydrates for energy but also fiber to aid in digestion and keep you feeling full and satisfied.
For lunch, a hearty salad filled with a variety of colorful vegetables, leafy greens, and lean protein sources like grilled chicken or tofu can be a perfect choice. Adding a sprinkling of nuts or seeds for extra crunch and healthy fats can further enhance the nutritional value of the meal.
Dinner options can be equally nutritious and flavorful. Incorporating a diverse selection of vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, or spinach, can contribute to a well-rounded plate. Coupled with a lean protein source, like fish or legumes, dinner becomes a complete meal that supports muscle repair and growth.

How do you make sure you get enough protein?

As a nutritionist, I ensure I get enough protein by carefully planning my meals. I focus on incorporating a variety of protein-rich foods into my diet, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, and legumes. I pay attention to portion sizes to strike the right balance and avoid overeating.
I also include protein-rich snacks like protein bars, roasted chickpeas, or a handful of almonds to keep my energy levels up throughout the day. If I ever need a quick on-the-go option, I keep protein shakes handy.

Being mindful of my protein intake not only supports my fitness goals but also helps with muscle recovery and overall well-being. I've found that combining healthy and delicious protein sources makes it easier for me to stick to my nutrition plan, and I'm always open to trying new recipes or food combinations to keep things exciting.

What are your favourite Protein sources?

My favorite protein source are: eggs, fish, broccoli, spinach, kale and chickpeas

What is your opinion on healthy fats like nuts and avocados?

I believe that incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into my meals not only adds a delightful taste but also provides numerous health benefits.
Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews, are a go-to snack option for me. They are not only satisfying and crunchy but also packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. I find that a handful of nuts can keep me feeling full and energized between meals, making them a perfect on-the-go snack.
Avocados are another favorite of mine, and I love adding them to salads, smoothies, or spreading them on toast. Their creamy texture comes from monounsaturated fats, which are known to support heart health and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Along with healthy fats, avocados also provide essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a versatile and nutritious addition to my diet.
While I enjoy the taste of these healthy fats, I am also aware of their beneficial impact on my overall health. Incorporating nuts and avocados into my meals helps support brain function, joint health, and may even aid in weight management. Additionally, these foods contribute to healthy skin, hair, and nails, which is an added bonus.

What’s your height and weight?

1.67 cm/ 55 kg. We all have different bodies and weight is just a number on the scale that shouldn’t define who we are and how happy we are!

What is your workout routine?

I listen to my body and adjust my workout routine accordingly. Whether it's increasing the intensity to challenge myself or taking a day off when needed, I believe in being attuned to my body's signals and needs.
As a fitness enthusiast, I find joy and fulfillment in pushing my limits, setting new goals, and making progress in my fitness journey. I encourage my followers to find activities they love and design a workout routine that suits their individual preferences and fitness goals. Staying consistent, staying motivated, and finding enjoyment in the process are essential aspects of my fitness journey, and I hope to inspire others to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle.

How did you learn to feel confident on your body?

Learning to feel confident in my body has been a journey of self-acceptance, self-love, and understanding that my worth extends far beyond physical appearance. It hasn't always been easy, but embracing my unique qualities and learning to appreciate my body for all it does for me has been incredibly empowering.

To cultivate body confidence, I focus on shifting my mindset and reframing my thoughts. Instead of comparing myself to others or striving for unrealistic ideals, I remind myself that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. I celebrate my strengths and achievements, both inside and outside of fitness and appearance.

Practicing self-care is another crucial aspect of building body confidence. I prioritize nourishing my body with nutritious foods, staying active, and engaging in activities I enjoy. Regular exercise not only boosts my physical health but also uplifts my mood and fosters a positive body image.

Surrounding myself with a supportive and inclusive community has been instrumental in my journey towards body confidence. Connecting with like-minded individuals who uplift and encourage one another helps me recognize that we all have our insecurities and struggles. Together, we build each other up, celebrating our unique qualities and journeys.

Does eating fruits in large amounts make me gain weight?

From my perspective, while fruits are a nutritious and essential part of a balanced diet, consuming them in large amounts can potentially contribute to weight gain. While fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and natural sugars, they still contain calories, which can add up when consumed excessively.
Fruits are a healthier alternative to processed snacks and desserts due to their natural sweetness and nutrient content. However, it's essential to practice portion control, especially if weight management is a concern.

Is fruit sugar bad at night?

Some people may experience digestive discomfort if they consume a large amount of fruit, particularly close to bedtime, due to the fiber content. It's a good idea to pay attention to how your body responds to different foods and adjust your choices accordingly.

If you're concerned about fruit sugar intake at night, consider opting for lower-sugar fruits like berries, cherries, or apples. Combining fruits with a source of protein or healthy fat can also help stabilize blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy.

Are supplements important?

Diet, nutrition, and sleep are the most important things. Supplementation is to supplement those.

Supplements can have great benefits — but only if those things are in check .

Can I have a cheat meal?

There are no physical benefits to cheat meals. However, there may be mental benefits. I don’t recommend “cheat meals.” I suggest eating what you want and keeping it within your intake. However, if you reach a milestone, a cheat meal might be a good reward.

Should I try vegan?

If you want to eat a plant-based diet, that’s great. There are many personal reasons why you may want to do this. Just ensure it’s on your questionnaire.

How do I eat out?

Eating out and enjoying a nice meal with your family and friends is a great reward — and it’s important for mental health! Most places have their menu’s nutrition info published online, so plan accordingly. And make sure that meal is the last one for the day so you’re not tempted to continue splurging. If the place doesn’t offer nutritional info, just try your best to eat smart.” For example, you can replicate your normal meal, such as a lean steak with potatoes, or a chicken salad.

Can I drink alcohol?

Everything is fine in moderation. Just remember that alcohol will provide no benefits to your body composition. Having a casual drink now and then within your calorie parameters is fine. But during your challenge I highly recommend that you keep alcohol to a minimum — if you have any at all!

Can I use sauces on my meals?

Yes! Just remember, some sauces are quite calorie-dense. They can add up to a large number of unaccounted excess calories if you’re not careful. So, either fit the sauce into your daily intake, or use low-calorie varieties. Condiments like mustard, hot sauce, and soy sauce are virtually calorie-free.

Can I drink coffee/tea?

Yes! Just be sure to account for things like milk and sugar. And if you’re having trouble sleeping, keep your caffeine intake in mind. I recommend plant based milk.

My weight fluctuates a lot daily? Why is this?

This is normal, and will happen to everyone.

Our bodies are composed mostly of water. Having food and liquid can change your scale weight daily. Also, things like your menstrual cycle, digestion, glycogen stores, and stool can significantly change this number.

A food makes me feel bloated. What should I do?

If there’s a food you don’t generally eat, swap that one food for something else and see if the bloating subsides. However, also factor in your calorie intake (i.e., the amount of food) and the severity of the bloating. Some minor bloating is very normal. Also consider how often you’re using the toilet.

How much water should I drink?

This depends on daily activity level and will differ from person to person. I’d always advise consuming at least 2-3L a day. Drink as much as you can without forcing it. It might be a good idea to write times of the day on your water bottle as a helpful reminder of when to drink. If you dislike plain water, you can add your BCAA or a calorie-free sweetener. Just make sure to end your water consumption a few hours before bed so you won’t frequently get up to urinate.

Should I work out if I’m sore?

This depends on the severity of the soreness. Some mild soreness is normal and should be fine. However, if you’re in pain or have very severe soreness, rest up.

When is the best time to workout?

The best time to work out is when you can get it done. Some people work long hours or have many daily commitments, and they find the most success waking up earlier and training. This way, the workout is done and their entire day can be focused on doing other responsibilities and spending time with family and friends.

I missed a training day. What should I do?

Nothing! It’s okay. It happens now and then. Continue on with your training as normal and don’t do anything drastic. Try to be consistent with your training; don’t miss it too often.

What is a superset?

A superset is when you’re completing two different exercises back-to-back. In other words, no rest break. They’re helpful when you have time constraints, or when you want to implement more advanced training techniques.

Can I train on an empty stomach?

Although you can, it’s not recommended. If you feel sick from food or supplements pre- workout, wait longer before training or eat a lighter meal. Getting the most bang for your buck during training will certainly come from having more energy. If you do train fasted, attempt to get a post-workout meal within a few hours.

How often should I stretch/warm up?

Flexibility and mobility are very important. Stretching and warming up are often not done enough. Stretch for as long and as often as needed, as it’s going to be individual to you. You may also find things like yoga to be helpful. It’s quite beneficial, especially if you often sit for long periods of time, which can cause everything to tighten up.

I haven’t lost any weight. What do I do?

Be patient, and trust the process. Fat loss is a process and takes time. Have realistic expectations and don’t expect to reach your goals within a week or two. Don’t forget to utilize your check-in with as much

It’s been a week and I’ve lost/gained X amount. What’sgoing on?

For most people, the initial weeks of changing dietary habits and training volumes will cause a significant change in the scale. It’s normal, and things like water weight and glycogen could be causing the quick loss or gain. This will subside as your body adapts.

My family/friends aren’t supportive of my new lifestyle. What should I do?

Sadly, this is quite common, and it may happen to you. I find knowledge is power, and being open and explaining your new goals and life- choices will help most people understand. Some Fit Mums find success by allowing their kids and partner to join in, cleaning up the cupboards and letting everyone enjoy more wholesome foods, and even hitting the gym together. However, if there are toxic people who don’t support you, and who just put you down, you need to ask yourself, If someone can’t be supportive, are they truly a good friend?

How can I maximize my sleep?

Keep your levels of caffeine (and other stimulants) in check. Also, minimize — if not entirely eliminate — water intake a few hours before bed so you’re not getting up frequently to use the toilet.

What’s the biggest secret to losing body-fat?

The big secret IS... There is no secret! Getting into shape takes time and lots of hard work. But it can be done. And YOU can do it. Regardless of how or what you think right now, or how you look or feel, you can get into shape and that is a promise. Stay consistent. Don’t give up. Get better each day. Forgive yourself, be patient. Fix the bad habits. Increase your knowledge.

